Breakfast is your most important meal of the day. People who eat breakfast are healthier than people who do not (it's not known whether eating breakfast makes you healthier or that healthy people eat breakfast). I think breakfast is a good idea because it keeps you from binging when you finally do get good and hungry (usually too hungry).
During the Daniel Fast breakfast can be a challenge. My usual non- Daniel Fast breakfast is a banana and coffee with cream, no sugar. Since beginning the fast I start out with hot water with lemon squeezed in it, not that I am particular to lemon but I want something hot to drink and I don't want a plain cup of hot water. The easiest thing to eat is still the banana but now I throw it in the blender and add about 1/2 cup of juice, voila breakfast. I may also eat a few cashews or pecans.
This morning I wanted something a little more substantial so I had oatmeal. I know some of you hate oatmeal, I'm sorry - maybe trying a different type of oatmeal may help. Old fashion oatmeal (the kind that takes longer to cook tastes a whole lot better than the pulverized instant stuff. Old fashion oatmeal has a great texture and is not slimey. The steel-cut oatmeal is even better, the oats have just been sliced instead of rolled (and mashed) under great big steel rollers.
Oatmeal - Debbie style
1/2 cup of old fashioned oats
1/4 cup pecans
1/4 cup raisins
1/3 really, really, really ripe banana (the kind that you want to throw away but it's still good)
1 teaspoon virgin coconut oil
Put the oats into a bowl add 1 cup of water, the pecans and raisins. Microwave covered for 3 minutes (keep an eye on it so it does not boil over). Mash the banana and stir in with the coconut oil and add the cinnamon. This breakfast lasts until lunch and you don't need a snack to keep you going.
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