Monday, June 3, 2013

Walking The Talk

I love talking about eating good food and I enjoy teaching others how to do it. While the great majority of what I eat fits my definition of "good", I still eat some not so good items.

Well in the spirit of trying to identify all of the hurdles (or most of them) that occur when trying to eat "good" foods I have decided that I will try not eat anything that does not fit the criteria already established. Criteria: it has to be real (ie. chicken, not chicken nuggets, chicken flavored, etc...), it has to be unprocessed or minimally processed (ie. honey, maple syrup, oatmeal, brown rice, potatoes, not honey/maple flavored, flavored oatmeal cereal, white rice, potato chips, etc...). Maple syrup does receive processing, it is originally sap from a tree which has been boiled down into syrup, that is processing, but it is a far cry from maple-flavored pancake syrup. Please note that if I do use maple syrup, I probably don't use it more than 1-2 times per month and I won't use more than a tsp at a time, it is just about pure carbohydrate. Lastly, it has to be good for you, meaning nutritious, something that builds you up and not tear you down. Not a whole lot of criteria, but it is very encompassing.

Food is a very touchy subject, and without parameters I know I have the tendency to touch any and all of it, much to my detriment. I dearly want all of us to live an abundant life that our Lord speaks of in John 10:10. Too many of us are not living abundantly, but are being robbed of health and vitality by the choices that we make. I want to help in this area by providing a map, a road map to help you navigate through the minefield of bad food choices.

The Bible is full of food metaphors, Ps 34:8 says "Taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed are all who trust in Him". The Lord is good indeed, He has provided us with so much that is good for us and good to us. Let's choose what builds us up and turn our backs on what ever tears us down.

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