#1. Nuts - we already do this one. Family faves are raw cashews, almonds, pecans and pumpkin seed (we soak/sprout and then dry before using). We also roast them when we make Chilpotle nut mix, we try to limit how often we do this, you can't stop eating it once you start and nuts are not cheap!
#2. Broccoli - I am having a hard time with this one, I barely like cooked broccoli (only in quiche or roasted in the oven) I do not like raw broccoli at all. But the article says that it helps your liver detoxify carcinogens, well that's worth choking some down, I'm going to have to find a really good dip.
#3. Garlic - This is a no brainer, raw garlic protects your DNA, hummus anyone?
#4. Juice - I am not a juice fan, it is far better to eat the whole fruit or vegetable. But if you are going to drink juice, raw juice is much better for you. It has not been pasteurized so you get the beneficial enzymes. Watch chugging the juice, it is way easy to overdo it.
#5. Salt - regular table salt has been heat and chemical treated. Raw salt has trace minerals, but I like it because I think it tastes better and it looks really nice.
#6. Cacao - Chocolate! Raw Chocolate! I will have to go and look for this one, it's a natural mood elevator. If you've ever tasted cocoa powder before adding the sugar and milk you probably have an idea of what raw chocolate tastes like. I found 99% Cacao bars at World Market, I like them.
#7. Chia Seeds - Well this is a new one to me. The only thing I remember doing with Chia Seeds was spreading them on a Chia Pet. I don't remember anyone suggesting that you eat them. Well it turns out they are a nutritional power house; Calcium, magnesium, antioxidant, fiber and omega 3 rich, oh I left out they also provide iron. The article suggested making pudding with the Chia Seeds for a nutritious breakfast. Update - my son has started making the pudding, I am learning to like it.
#8. Kimchi - My niece and nephew love kimchi, I've only had it spicy and it was a little much for me. Fermented foods like kimchi aid in digestion because they provide probiotics (good bacteria). I will save this one for special occasions, but I do make and enjoy fermented cabbage and cucumbers also known as sauerkraut and pickles;-)
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